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Estuarine Acidification: A Conceptual Discussion with Examples (SOCAN)
Estuarine Acidification: A Conceptual Discussion with Examples - Wei-Jun-Cai
SOCAN Townhall - Coastal Acidification and Mangroves | Fall 2022
NE-CAN: Wei-Jun Cai
Managing Global Acidification on a Regional Scale
Linking Biological Monitoring with Chemical Observations to Understand Impacts of OA
Modeling Coastal Acidification (and Hypoxia) Linkages with Land-Based Nutrient Loads
Science, Industry, Management: Perception of Ocean Acidification and Fisheries in the Carolinas
2023 Watershed Summit: Public Engagement Panel
Seagrass restoration helps mitigate ocean acidification – Christopher Moore, US Geological Survey
Arary Perturbation: Conceptual Discussion (1/4)
Ocean acidification time-series mooring at Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary